gnupic: Messages for May 2001

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Timestamp Subject Author
3 May 2001 01:42:44 -0000 Re: GNU PIC name; Would you like to submit it for GNU? (fwd) Scott Dattalo
3 May 2001 04:11:07 -0000 new gpsim webpage Scott Dattalo
5 May 2001 14:45:57 -0000 Re: new gpsim webpage Scott Dattalo
7 May 2001 15:41:59 -0000 [fwd] gpsim - A comment about lcd update. Scott Dattalo
8 May 2001 03:58:05 -0000 SDCC PIC Port status Scott Dattalo
8 May 2001 19:50:59 -0000 12Cxxx Alessandro Zummo
9 May 2001 04:23:24 -0000 Re: 12Cxxx Luis Muñoz
11 May 2001 00:40:17 -0000 Anonymous bug report Craig Franklin
14 May 2001 05:14:23 -0000 Linux and PICs daniel sheltraw
14 May 2001 15:00:16 -0000 Re: Linux and PICs Bill Williams
14 May 2001 15:46:52 -0000 Re: Linux and PICs Anthony Tekatch
15 May 2001 13:58:39 -0000 Re: Linux and PICs Scott Dattalo
16 May 2001 12:10:03 -0000 compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 TREVOR WHITE
16 May 2001 14:16:50 -0000 Re: compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 Scott Dattalo
16 May 2001 14:57:53 -0000 Re: compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 TREVOR WHITE
16 May 2001 18:49:07 -0000 Re: compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 Eric Smith
16 May 2001 22:58:21 -0000 Re: compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 TREVOR WHITE
16 May 2001 23:15:49 -0000 Re: compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 Scott Dattalo
16 May 2001 23:19:14 -0000 Re: compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 TREVOR WHITE
16 May 2001 23:39:44 -0000 Re: compiling GPASM and GPSIM with Suse 7.1 Eric Smith
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