gnupic: Messages for October 2001

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Timestamp Subject Author
1 Oct 2001 23:06:18 -0000 change an asm pic file bob bob
1 Oct 2001 23:10:59 -0000 change an asm pic file bob bob
1 Oct 2001 23:25:59 -0000 change an asm pic file bob bob
4 Oct 2001 02:30:28 -0000 I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Byron A Jeff
4 Oct 2001 02:52:01 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Scott Dattalo
4 Oct 2001 05:35:17 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Ralf Forsberg
4 Oct 2001 12:07:53 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Philip Restuccia
4 Oct 2001 13:21:27 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Byron A Jeff
5 Oct 2001 06:34:43 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Scott Dattalo
5 Oct 2001 10:45:40 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Ralf Forsberg
6 Oct 2001 14:57:28 -0000 gpasm-0.9.13 Craig Franklin
8 Oct 2001 15:27:24 -0000 just for the fun Raynald Lesieur
11 Oct 2001 14:53:06 -0000 picpascal to hex Marko Hyv�rinen
11 Oct 2001 15:13:31 -0000 Re: picpascal to hex Scott Dattalo
12 Oct 2001 09:36:35 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Ralf Forsberg
13 Oct 2001 11:43:06 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Ralf Forsberg
13 Oct 2001 15:37:59 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Scott Dattalo
13 Oct 2001 16:59:43 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Byron A Jeff
13 Oct 2001 17:35:50 -0000 Re: I'm crashing the GUI in gpsim 0.20.X. Any ideas? Ralf Forsberg
13 Oct 2001 19:45:34 -0000 Re: SDCC RAM banking support? Wojciech Zabolotny
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