gnupic: picprg

Previous by date: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000 Re: picprg, James Newton. Admin 3
Next by date: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000 Re: USB, Eric Smith
Previous in thread: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000 Re: picprg, James Newton. Admin 3
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Subject: RE: picprg
From: Michael Shiloh ####@####.####
Date: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000
Message-Id: <>

which hardware do you mean? the microchip ICD pod or
the target?

if it's the pod, i'll get you one. i see digikey
sells it (DV164002).

since i don't seem to have the time or skill to
contribute to gpsim in the usual way, i'd be 
honored to contribute the hardware. 

confirm that this is the device you need and 
if so, send me your mailing address.

as someone pointed out, microchip provides the
schematic so you can build your own for less, but
it takes your time, and i've read in some places 
that the circuit is a bit finicky. 

On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Scott Dattalo wrote:

> On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, James Newton. Admin 3 wrote:
> > Sadly, icdprog doesn't support debugging which is the major advantage of the
> > ICD.
> > offers some information
> > about how the ICD works in debugging modes. Maybe someone will use that
> > information to extend ICDPROG to support debugging?
> I hadn't seen this before. If anyone is willing to supply the hardware
> I'll gladly integrate ICD capabilities into gpsim (however I could not
> begin to work on it 'til May). I think an intelligently integrated
> simulator combined with ICD would make an extremely powerful debugger!
> Scott

Previous by date: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000 Re: picprg, James Newton. Admin 3
Next by date: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000 Re: USB, Eric Smith
Previous in thread: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000 Re: picprg, James Newton. Admin 3
Next in thread: 22 Mar 2002 18:57:44 -0000 Re: picprg, Eric Smith

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