gnupic: 16F628

Previous by date: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000 Re: 16F628, Alessandro Zummo
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Previous in thread: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000 Re: 16F628, Alessandro Zummo
Next in thread: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000 Re: 16F628, Simon Wood

Subject: Re: 16F628
From: Alessandro Zummo ####@####.####
Date: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000
Message-Id: <>

 On 06-Lug-02 at 13:08:08,
  Byron A Jeff ####@####.#### wrote:

>> i'm going to target a PIC16F627/628 device. I'm glad i can use SDCC 
>> with it and i'm now searching for a '628 programmer with Linux support..

>> Anyone can help?

> Well if you want a quick, cheap solution take a look at my Trivial Low
> Voltage Programmer (TLVP):

> As its name implies it programs parts in Low Voltage Programming mode.
> This means that you lose an I/O pin. But since the 16F628 allows you to
> get back up to 3 extra pins for I/O (MCLR, OSC1, and OSC2) it may be a
> compromise you can live with.

Do you have any suggestion for a proper
ICSP support on the target circuit?

I'd also like to allow on-field upgrades using a PalmOS device.. probably
a serial port based programmer would better suit my needs or maybe
i can develop a springboard modue with intergrated TLVP ;)

Thank you.


  - alex.

Previous by date: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000 Re: 16F628, Alessandro Zummo
Next by date: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000 Re: Newbie struggling with gpsim, Declan Moriarty
Previous in thread: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000 Re: 16F628, Alessandro Zummo
Next in thread: 6 Jul 2002 14:12:52 -0000 Re: 16F628, Simon Wood

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