gnupic: Table Read on PIC16C77

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Subject: Re: Table Read on PIC16C77
From: David Kelly ####@####.####
Date: 27 Sep 2000 01:41:52 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Jerome Dumas writes:
> Dear All,
> How to control page crossing ?

Force the table to be located completely on one page at assembly/link 

> Here is what I have implemented :
> a macro that allows to manage crossing page according to AN556
> application note
> from microchip. (at the end, I increment my offset by 1)
> ; ********************************************************************
> CALL_TABLE_M   macro   table, offset
>         movlw LOW table
>         addwf offset, 1
>         movlw HIGH table
>         btfsc  STATUS, C
>         addlw 1
>         movwf PCLATH
>         incf offset, 0
>         call table
> ; ********************************************************************
> The problem I have is when I call the table with the folowing
> instruction :
> CALL_TABLE_M   mytable, 0x77

Why would you use such a macro with a constant offset? Or is this just 
for the sake of an example?

David Kelly N4HHE, ####@####.####
The human mind ordinarily operates at only ten percent of its
capacity -- the rest is overhead for the operating system.

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