gnupic: Re: [gnupic] gpsim: Beginner - HowTo: gpsim with ICD

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] gpsim: Beginner - HowTo: gpsim with ICD
From: Ralf Forsberg ####@####.####
Date: 18 May 2005 08:04:38 +0100
Message-Id: <20050518090409.082b7373@athlon>

On Tue, 17 May 2005 17:38:58 +0200
"Martin Mosmann" ####@####.#### wrote:

> Hello,
> last weekend I installed gputil, sdcc and a icdprog and it works.
> But now I have a question, do gpsim and icdprog only works with real > RS232 - ports or also with a USB to RS232 converter? 

I haven't tried using once of those before.

I remember that there were problems with older firmware versions. 
I assume you have the ICD1 (the ICD2 isn't supported). Which
version do you have? See if you can upgrade your ICD from mplab. 
I don't remember which version I used but I could check later.

> I tried with <gpsim -d dev/ttyUSB0 ... but it faild, icdprog > didn't work also.

Yeah, they use much the same code. Was there an error message?

> I'm no linux crack, so maybe it's a simple failure, but with minicom > the port works (I connected Txd to RxD).

Check that DTR and RTS works too.

 / Ralf

Previous by date: 18 May 2005 08:04:38 +0100 gpsim: Beginner - HowTo: gpsim with ICD, Martin Mosmann
Next by date: 18 May 2005 08:04:38 +0100 Re: [gnupic] gpal examples, Craig Franklin
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