gnupic: Programmer

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Subject: Re: Programmer
From: David Godfrey ####@####.####
Date: 30 Nov 2000 04:19:27 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi Andy,

Perhaps I can save you some time here.
There is a VERY good programmer available that is picstart plus
compatable, and as there is already software for Linux for the picstart
plus the problem is solved!!!

Have a look at this address for the "WARP 13"

I know around 10 people that are using this programmer (including
myself) and everyone has nothing but praise for it!

It is capable of programming PIC's, some ATMEL micro's, Serial EEprom.
In a WINDOZE environment they have a program 'warp13' that gives you
VERY good control over the programmer, unfortunately there is not a
linux version of the software yet, although any picstart plus compatible
software will work.
The programmer also has an ICSP connector on it to make life easier.

If you are using 3rd party software and doing ICSP it may be necessary
to connect pin 1 and 4 on the ZIF socket together depending on the
device type being programmed.  DON'T FORGET to REMOVE this LINK BEFORE
programming anything in the SOCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did this by linking pin 1 & 4 on an 8 pin socket (machined pin!) that
I place in the ZIF socket at all times while using ICSP.

Hope this is of some interest, and that I didn't jump in at the wrong

David Godfrey

BTW::  I have no conection with this company, I just LOVE their

Andy N1YEW wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone here want to help me in designing a 16f87x programmer for linux?
> I want it to use the serial port; it must be low cost.
> I may use a design like Tony Nixon's ASCII programmer.
> Please email me if you would like to help.
> The licenscing scheme may be GPL or Shareware(w/ source for devel purposes :).
> Andy N1YEW

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Next by date: 30 Nov 2000 04:19:27 -0000 Re: Programmer, Kevin L. Pauba
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Next in thread: 30 Nov 2000 04:19:27 -0000 Re: Programmer, Kevin L. Pauba

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