gnupic: trying to study PICs - part 2 - thank you all

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Subject: Re: trying to study PICs - part 2 - thank you all
From: Dan Christian ####@####.####
Date: 14 Jan 2001 01:55:13 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Actually, C-ASM using a commercial tool followed by gpasm might work.
Gpasm is is quite close to mpasm.  I would think that one of the
compilers would be fully mpasm compatible.  The one thing that is
missing is that gpasm won't work with a linker and C compilers may
expect that (so that they can use libraries).  

Microchip supplies a C compiler for the PIC17 and PIC18 under Windows
(and DOS?).  There are other vendors that have compilers for the PCI16
series.  I don't know of any that run under Linux.

I have run most of Microchip's IDE under WINE.  I can't get the linker
and the ICD to work right, but most other things run fine.  The C
compiler might work.

You probably won't find the resulting assembly very readable.  It will
be more a lesson in how compilers work that how a person would write
it.  The PIC instruction is really quite simple and effective (one of
the best that I have every seen).  I would recommend just taking the
time to learn it.  

Actually, the PIC18 looks to be the most usable architecture yet.
This big problem with the PIC16 is that you can spend a lot of time
tracking page and bank switching.  The PIC18 should make those issues
much simpler.


On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 12:05:55PM +0100, Riki wrote:
> Thank you all for your reply
> I think this smart guy already gived TCP/IP stack functionality to
> PIC16F877
> and on this site there is also a general web server code, apparently
> ready to compile with a CCS commercial compiler.
> Although in this case I need to study assembler, and try to get rid of
> this problem with it.
> Is there any other way, example compile from C to assembler code with a
> shareware compiler
> and then move it .hex with a gnu assmbler?
> anyone tried something like this?
> or there is no way 'cause proprietary C compiler give incompatible asm
> code


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