gnupic: gpasm for windows (console only)

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Subject: gpasm for windows (console only)
From: Craig Franklin ####@####.####
Date: 1 Mar 2001 01:28:00 -0000
Message-Id: <01022819360700.00893@r2d2>

Several requests have been made for a version of gpasm for Microsoft Windows. 
Although, this is not an objective of the gpasm project, it seemed like an
interesting problem so I gave it a try.

There are many ways to approach this problem.  This version used the Cygwin. A few 
minor changes were made to the source code of the 0.9.1 distribution. They are
contained in gpasm-0.9.1-cygwin.patch.  It, along with the source and binary
distributions, is available at:

The executables were successfully tested on Win98 and NT.  However, it still
very likely to have some problems.  

If you try this version of gpasm please report your results,  good or bad.   Please use 
the GPASM for WINDOWS survey at:

If the survey doesn't ask an important question email your comment to me. 
Please don't use the Sourceforge bug tracking system for a problem that is only
in this port. 

This experiment will probably result in instructions on how to build the
executables. The instructions will be made available. 

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Next by date: 1 Mar 2001 01:28:00 -0000 Problems compiling gpsim and question about I/O ports, Christoph Drube
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