gnupic: Re: GNUPIC or not GNUPIC? (fwd)

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Subject: Re: GNUPIC or not GNUPIC? (fwd)
From: Alessandro Zummo ####@####.####
Date: 12 Apr 2001 11:46:57 -0000
Message-Id: <>

 On 11-Apr-01 at 15:14:58,
  Ian Carr-de Avelon ####@####.#### wrote:

> feeling is that it is best to first get clear what the situation is. We
> should ask them what the "or else" is. Once we know what the alternatives
> involve:
> staying as is, and facing rath of the FSF. becomeing officially part of
> GNU. (and having a chance of FSF cash?) changing the name.
> we can decide how to proceed.
> If, after full consideration we go the 3rd way, I vote we call it FreePIC
> from here on.

I hate when someone tries to force rules on someone else work. I respect
FSF and the whole GNU project.. but it seems to me they are going far
away the concept of "freedom".

I don't know if they have any rights over the whole GNUPIC name... if yes,
then they have the rights on everything that matches /.*GNU.*/.  
anyone remembers the recent issue with SSH and OpenSSH? anyway
we might just change the name to avoid troubles..

What about OpenPIC ?


  - alex.

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