gnupic: [GNUPIC:] gpsim

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Subject: [GNUPIC:] gpsim
From: Michael Shiloh ####@####.####
Date: 29 Oct 2001 19:37:16 -0000
Message-Id: <>

hello gnupic,

after a long time away from PICs i've just installed the
latest gpsim, v. 0.20.12. thanks scott and ralf for all your
hard work.

i'm invoking gpsim with:

  gpsim -ppic16c63 8ch_ver2.hex

and i've compiled my source with the hitech picc

i have a couple of questions:

i must be doing something very stupid, because my source
window comes up empty.

according to the documentation i can invoke with a symbol
file by saying:

  gpsim -ppic16c63 8ch_ver2.hex -c8ch_ver2.cod

but doing so yields the error:

  gpsim> ***ERROR: parse error, expecting `STRING'

perhaps is a hitech picc ".cod" file different from a microchip or
gpasm ".cod" file?

any advice appreciated.


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Next by date: 29 Oct 2001 19:37:16 -0000 Re: [GNUPIC:] gpsim, Scott Dattalo
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