gnupic: [GNUPIC:] gpsim

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Subject: Re: [GNUPIC:] gpsim
From: Michael Shiloh ####@####.####
Date: 29 Oct 2001 21:17:08 -0000
Message-Id: <>

thanks for replying.

> > i'm invoking gpsim with:
> >
> >   gpsim -ppic16c63 8ch_ver2.hex
> >
> > and i've compiled my source with the hitech picc
> >
> > i have a couple of questions:
> >
> > (1)
> > i must be doing something very stupid, because my source
> > window comes up empty.
> Hex files don't have any symbolic info and hence no source.

my mistake; i had played with a few different things and
left the source window up, and in my rush wrote about that.
my apologies.

what i meant was that the program memory window shows a
value of 0 at each address. however, my hex files shows
otherwise. for instance, the first line in my .hex file is:


which, if my interpretation is correct, says that starting at
address 0000 i should have the data


however, the program memory window shows 0 at every

> I'd be surprised if gpsim could load the hitech generated .cod files.
> Someone once sent a patch that would hack the DOS paths into unix paths.
> The "C:" (or D:, etc) is just stripped, and the '\' are converted to '/'.

guess i'll have to skip the source window for now. by the
way, i am using hitech in linux, so i don't have any
issues with dos paths.

thanks again,

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