gnupic: PIC16F628

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Subject: PIC16F628
From: Stefano ####@####.####
Date: 10 Nov 2001 19:33:36 -0000
Message-Id: <>

I found that the PIC16F628 has the same problem when writing and reading
I found a workaround for the F874 and F877 and I assume that the harware
EEPROM core is similar with the F627/F628 processors.
Please read the F874/7 erratas and apply to the F628 too.
The result is simply adding a couple of nops jafter the EEPROM write

	movlw   0xAA		;
	movwf   EECON2		; write AAh
        bsf     EECON1,WR	; set WE bit enable write, start writing
EEWRcon btfsc   EECON1,WR       ; wait until WRITE is over
        goto    EEWRcon         ; wait until WRITE is over
        bcf     EECON1,WREN	; disable write EEPROM capability
	bcf	STATUS,RP0	; bank0
	bcf	STATUS,RP1	; bank0
	return			;

        movlw   0xAA            ;
        movwf   EECON2          ; write AAh
        bsf     EECON1,WR       ; set WE bit enable write, start writing
        nop     ; DO NOT REMOVE ; STEFANO workaround for 16F628
        nop     ; DO NOT REMOVE ; STEFANO workaround for 16F628
EEWRcon btfsc   EECON1,WR       ; wait until WRITE is over
        goto    EEWRcon         ; wait until WRITE is over
        bcf     EECON1,WREN     ; disable write EEPROM capability
        bcf     STATUS,RP0      ; bank0
        bcf     STATUS,RP1      ; bank0
        return                  ;

I have the feeling that the F628 at 20MHZ need more then 2 nops !!


Previous by date: 10 Nov 2001 19:33:36 -0000 picp and PIC16F628, Stefano
Next by date: 10 Nov 2001 19:33:36 -0000 SDCC status, Scott Dattalo
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Next in thread: 10 Nov 2001 19:33:36 -0000 PIC16F628, Ronald Mundell

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