gnupic: Unified Programmer Application???

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Subject: Re: Unified Programmer Application???
From: Eric Molitor ####@####.####
Date: 17 Dec 2001 18:50:44 -0000
Message-Id: <1008614539.17331.5.camel@molitor>

I was tossing around the idea of writing a PIC assembler in java when I
came accross the cpplite module for netbeans. ( I'm
working on adding a PIC module for netbeans. Sure its evil to use a java
IDE to develope PIC code, but the API is very clean.


On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 21:46, Kevin L. Pauba wrote:
> I've been working on just this sort of thing.
> It's not ready for prime time but I am now using it for 16F84s and
> 16F877 devices.
> I've written it in Java and have separate dynamically loadable modules
> for the processor and programmer.  I currently have written modules for
> the 12C509, 16F83, 16F84, 16F84a, and 16f877 serial devices.  I also
> have support for Dontronics DT001, Prog84 and other Tait-style parallel
> port programmers.  I hope to soon add serial port support also.
> It is currently command-line based but I will soon add a GUI that uses
> the same base code so you can use either.  It also has and interactive
> mode.
> It works under both Linux and Windows (although I haven't been able to
> test under Windows lately) using the JNI (Java Native Interface, via
> DLL/shared library).  The Linux version can also use the /dev/port
> device to access the parallel port without the need for the library.  It
> seems reasonably fast, it provides a hex dump of a programmed 16F887 in
> about 12 seconds (around 10 with the native code driver).
> I've released it under the GPL.  Although I'm making some more changes
> that need to be uploaded to the web site, I still would love to have
> some testers and critiques.
> Take a look at and let me know what you
> think.
> Thanks!
> On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 14:41, Eric Molitor wrote:
> > I've been lurking for a little while but this is my first post to the
> > list. (So bear with my ignorant bliss and poor spelling...)
> > 
> > gpsim and gpasm are great applications and I've been using them on and
> > off for a little while now. It seems like gpprog is something that
> > should exist. Basically an app that takes intel hex files and programs
> > devices using a modular driver type architecture to access the actual
> > programmer. Maybe this has been addressed before, but right now it seems
> > there is basically a programming app for each style of programmer
> > (serial or pic).
> > 
> > Is there a program I've missed that does this? Or is there some
> > technical reason why you couldnt move the driving logic for each device
> > into libraries and utilize one application (with the appropriate library
> > for whatever type programmer you have.) to do the actual programming.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> >    Eric
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Previous by date: 17 Dec 2001 18:50:44 -0000 where do i PIC resource documentation ?, Sven Queisser
Next by date: 17 Dec 2001 18:50:44 -0000 Re: Logo or Icon, Ralf Forsberg
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