nanogui: X v.s. Nano-X in embedded systems

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Subject: X v.s. Nano-X in embedded systems
From: Murphy Chen ####@####.####
Date: 9 May 2000 10:36:05 -0000
Message-Id: <>


	My group is arguing about using X or Nano-X in embedded systems.

	Say, the target is a electronic book running Linux.

	For me, X is big and hard to adapt.

	But it has a lot of resources like widgets, ready applications.

	On the contrary, Nano-X is small and flexible.

	But it needs some effor for porting existed applications.

	BTW, how fast is Nano-X, as compared to frame-buffered X?

	I'd like to hear any kind of comments from you.

	( For now, I prefer Nano-X for embedded systms. :)

Murphy Chen (陳正哲) ####@####.####
Design Engineer, Internet Embedded System Department
Computer & Communications Research Laboratories
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan

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