nanogui: Re: Small open source browser introduced

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Subject: Re: Small open source browser introduced
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 17 Jul 2000 15:18:48 -0000
Message-Id: <029a01bff002$70c7db10$>


> So I created one.  With MontaVista and my company Century
> Software's backing, we've created a first release v0.1.  We
> evaluated most all open source HTML display widgets looking
> foremost for high-quality HTML display, and secondly, being
> somewhat small and well written.  We came up with KDE's kfm
> widget as the best choice.  It is extremely well written, but expects
> the Qt widget set underneath.  Qt is too large.  We wrote a thin
> glue layer that translates Qt calls into FLTK calls (both toolkits
> are written in C++).  FLTK was chosen because it is quite small,
> and most importantly runs on both X and Microwindows (we're
> using the Nano-X multiple client/server API).  We then wrote
> a very thin user interface (this needs more work) that allows
> a user to operate the display engine, essentially.

Argh. You just tied yourself to code that will have no development
whatsoever in the future. Why not use KDE2's widget? It's much better.

    Thanks for the response.  We initially chose the KDE kfm widget
because it seemed to work better, and the KDE2 widget wasn't
done enough yet.

However, it is important to note that we haven't changed a single
line of source code in the kfm HTML widget.  All of the enhancements
have been in:

    1. Removing Qt and replacing it with a FLTK wrapper library, for size.
    2. Adding libwww for the networking layer
    3. Using imlib (possibly temporary) for the image display

We plan on being able to use the FLTK2 widget should it's size
and functional capabilities warrant, without much modification.  We
were very impressed with how well written KDE is.

What enhancements have been completed in KDE2?



("\''/").__..-''"`-. .         Roberto Alsina
 `9_ 9  )   `-. (    ).`-._.`)  ####@####.####
 (_Y_.)' ._   ) `._`.  " -.-'   Director técnico
  _..`-'_..-_/ /-'_.'           Conectiva SA
(l)-'' ((i).' ((!.'             Buenos Aires - Argentina
                                KDE Developer (MFCH)
"The stone age didn't end for a lack of stone" Firoz Rasul

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