nanogui: GUILib for C

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Subject: Re: GUILib for C
From: Jordan Crouse ####@####.####
Date: 18 Dec 2000 16:28:45 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Instead of hacking an existing toolkit, would it really be tough to
start from scratch and design a lightweight and quality toolkit
exclusively for Nano-X that can be dropped in and used with little pain
and/or suffering?  I know there are alot of folks on this list that are
begging for things to do, and that would be a great way to help the
project, and learn about Nano-X at the same time.

That might be just as good as "hacking" in something else, plus we could
put a MPL on it to begin with and not have to deal with any other
licencing issues.


  Alex Holden wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Dec 2000 ####@####.#### wrote:
> > There is a lib for C, which looks good and is relatively small:
> >
> > The bad thing: It does need an additional widget set, like Xaw to run.
> Hmm, I think that's really more of a toolkit abstraction layer than a
> toolkit itself.
> Here's a cool idea: How about hacking something together from
> Enlightenment's built in toolkit? It's actually pretty small and clean,
> and most of the X interface is already abstracted out into the functions
> in x.c...
> The only slight disadvantage is the BSD advertising clause.
> --
> ------- Alex Holden -------
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