nanogui: xpm display on mono pda

Previous by date: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 C guilib and liscences, Doug Eleveld
Next by date: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 Re: xpm display on mono pda, Jordan Crouse
Previous in thread: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 Re: xpm display on mono pda, Alex Holden
Next in thread: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 Re: xpm display on mono pda, Jordan Crouse

Subject: Re: xpm display on mono pda
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000
Message-Id: <00f201c069ea$c9147a00$>

: > the xpm display is very slow, the image size is
: > 120x120, and I waited about 1 minute to see it be on
: > the screen.
: >         Can you do something to speed display image up?

As Jordan mentions, you might want to use the GrDrawImageToFit
function and have the Microwindows server decode the image.

However, I think one of the current reasons that image drawing
is slow here is that images that are decoded to 16, 24 or 32bpp
have to do a truecolor->palette index conversion for each pixel,
which is slow as hell.  There are three fixes for this:

1. Recode XPM decoding to convert to a current system palette

2. Recode the entire image decoding system to decode to the
hardware bits per pixel.  I'm working on this, and plan to finally
release new blitting code and decoders for the image routines,
which will greatly speed up image display for Nano-X.  In addition,
I plan on adding the alpha-channel and src/dest color-key blits as well.

3. Change the 1bpp or 2bpp display to truecolor in Microwindows,
rather than palettized.  Although Microwindows doesn't quite support this,
with some mods the truecolor->palette index lookup would then
be a mask and bit shift to get to the grey scale color, and things
would be quicker.



Previous by date: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 C guilib and liscences, Doug Eleveld
Next by date: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 Re: xpm display on mono pda, Jordan Crouse
Previous in thread: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 Re: xpm display on mono pda, Alex Holden
Next in thread: 19 Dec 2000 18:29:25 -0000 Re: xpm display on mono pda, Jordan Crouse

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