nanogui: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer

Previous by date: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000 Re: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer, John Zulauf
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Previous in thread: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000 Re: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer, John Zulauf
Next in thread: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000 Re: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer, Alex Holden

Subject: Re: [nanogui] Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer
From: "John Zulauf" ####@####.####
Date: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000
Message-Id: <>

####@####.#### wrote:

> Yes, my need is to load a static background image in the root
> window. GrDrawImageToFit() worked well for this purpose, but
> it took up to 30 seconds to show the entire image.

how big is the root window?

In any case rescale the image a priori and then store it in a pixmap. 
It's big and it doesn't change.  For efficiency sake you want the option
with the least work-per-refresh
(for example on expose events...)

On the performance side a question for Century:

Jordan, is the image rescaling coded for MMX as part of MicroWindows, or
is it the responsibility of the driver to do rescaling?

John Zulauf
National Semiconductor

Previous by date: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000 Re: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer, John Zulauf
Next by date: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000 Re: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer, Alex Holden
Previous in thread: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000 Re: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer, John Zulauf
Next in thread: 25 Jun 2001 15:50:14 -0000 Re: Cyrix CS5330 and frame buffer, Alex Holden

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