nanogui: Help to install Opera or Mozilla WebBrowser with Microwindow

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] Help to install Opera or Mozilla WebBrowser with Microwindow
From: Jordan Crouse ####@####.####
Date: 28 Jun 2001 15:52:16 -0000
Message-Id: <01062809531906.20533@cosmic>

On Thursday 28 June 2001 09:32, Gary James mentioned:
> > On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Mikhail Ivanov wrote:
> > > Yes, as they say it on
> > > "NXZILLA (formerly nanozilla) is a set of libraries that allow Mozilla
> > > to be used with a NanoX server." It's open source, it should not cost
> > > you anything to use it.
> >
> > They can charge as much as they want for a supported version as long as
> > they also make the source code available for free.
> Are you sure about that? I don't think that there are any licences
> involved that require the source remain open. Microwindows is not
> under the protection of the GPL, neither is Mozilla (although I'm not
> too familar with the Mozilla liscnese).

That is correct.  The MPL is very different from the GPL.  Here is the 
defining factor of the MPL (check it out at

"The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, 
non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property claims::"

And further on:

"Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor hereby 
grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license:"

The *only* requirements are that you 

A) - Don't change the copyright information (it all remains the property of 
the original writer/contributor)


B) - If you modify the code and distribute the package you must also make 
available the source code.  But this is fullfilled if I give you a CD for a 
millon dollars with the binary and the source.  There is no requirement that 
you provide your modifications openly, just as long as you distribute them 
with the binary.  I believe thats what Tuxia is doing.  


Previous by date: 28 Jun 2001 15:52:16 -0000 Re: Linux newbie : how to install MicroWindows on windows ?, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 28 Jun 2001 15:52:16 -0000 Re: Linux newbie : how to install MicroWindows on windows ?, Jordan Crouse
Previous in thread: 28 Jun 2001 15:52:16 -0000 Re: Help to install Opera or Mozilla WebBrowser with Microwindow, Alan Cox
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