nanogui: Reaktivate

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] Reaktivate
From: "John Zulauf" ####@####.####
Date: 10 Jul 2001 21:56:15 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Gary James wrote:
> > : be warned that Reakivate does have a dependency on WINE -- and thus
> > : ain't small --
> >
> > Hmm.  I guess I was thinking that it was just using the Wine loader,
> > but I suppose it would have to run the whole damned thing in an
> > X-managed window, so this will be an issue on embedded systems.
> > Of course's Crossover product might solve this
> > problem in a better way.
> Wouldn't the whole thing require an x86, since it's running x86
> plugins which I assume are x86 code? And if this is really x86
> Windows code, wouldn't it need Wine or something similar to emulate
> the Windows OS calls made by the plugin?
> Gary James

This is correct both for CrossOver Plugin and Reaktivate.  If you want
the "full PC internet experience" takes having an x86 and some form of
Win32 support.  Not pretty, but true -- the folks in Redmond have neatly
insinuately themselves into the end-users perception of what is internet
content.  The good news is that ignoring Shock, Flash and the
"plugin-of-the-month" club only costs you only somewhere between 3-10%
(depending on who you talk to) of the most popular sites/content. 
However, going to a site that goes "clunk" is not a pretty experience
for an IA user, and avoiding this to the greatest extent possible is an
important part of the market viability of information appliances.   

Having seen Quicktime running on an 266 MHz Geode based (x86 compatible)
Linux IA platform... this capability **is** really cool -- and compared
to the size of the plugins themselves (and the 17MB movie trailer for
Lord of the Rings) WINE isn't actually all that big (now that's a scary
thought too).

John Zulauf
National Semiconductor

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