plustek: Everything works...but just to push my luck

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Subject: Re: Everything works...but just to push my luck
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 28 Aug 2000 07:27:59 -0000
Message-Id: <00082809292903.09362@dagobert>

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Ok ok so everything works  perfectly with my current Kernel version (2.2.5-22)
> and now just to push my luck I want to upgrade to 2.2.13.
> So I install the kernel and the a temp dir. I make the kernel and
> boot and everything works great. Of course I have backed up everything of my
> previous kernel
> Now...I see that in the /lib/modules/2.2.13/misc/ there is a pt_drv.o module
> generated by the make that I did to the kernel.
> far so good. Now I go back to the sane and recompile everything
> according to the instructions and I now see in the /lib/modules/misc this time
> there is a pt_drv.o as well.
> No when I do make load it gives me an error and when I do modprobe pt_drv it
> says that the pt_drv was compiled for kernel 2.2.5-22 (my previous kernel)
> How come???? even when I put the path insmod  /lib/modules/2.2.13/misc/ pt_drv.o
> or insmod  /lib/modules/misc/ pt_drv.o it says the same message.
> Why? What can I do. Ok ok so it is not realy crucial to update my kernel but it
> would be helpful to know for future reference whats going on?
Hi Vasileios,

I can't belive what I saw ;-))))))))))))))))))

When compiling kernel-modules which are not part of your
current kernel sources, you should make sure, that the make-command
for these modules will access the correct include/linux directory.
In your case the problem is the temporary directory...
It's exactly the same stuff like the SMP problem, you remember?

So what to do?
If you try out a new kernel, install the sources in parallel to your exisiting
sources, for example you already have 2.2.5 so your /usr/src directory
will look like this:

/usr/src/linux --> linux-2.2.5

you like now kernel 2.4, so copy this one to 


and update the link, so you have the following configuration:

/usr/src/linux --> linux-2.4

When you now recompile the pt_drv module, it will access
the correct linux/include directory and you'll have now problems
with the version stuff anymore.

By using this procedure, you can have quite a lot of kernels in parallel
without any problems.

Hope this helps

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