plustek: Problems with Canon N670U

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Subject: Re: Problems with Canon N670U
From: Christian Steiner ####@####.####
Date: 21 Dec 2002 16:32:54 -0000
Message-Id: <>

"Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.#### schrieb am 21.12.02 17:01:42:
> Hi,
> On Saturday, 21. December 2002 16:22, Christian Steiner wrote:
> > Hi everybody!
> >
> > I have a Canon N670U. I installed the sane-backends-1.0.9 and followed the
> > instructions of the Plustek-USB.txt from G. Jaeger. Everything went well
> > until I run the sane-find-scanner.  The program says "can't get minor data"
> > although I checked the /proc/bus/usb/devices for the scanner and it apears
> > in there. 
> module scanner is not loaded!
> >After tthat I run the modprobe scanner with the verndor and
> > product options. It also loaded the module correctly but as I already
> > mentioned the sane-find-scanner failes. So I don't know how to solve this
> > problem? Could you please help me?
> Is it really correctly loaded? - lsmod?
> Anyway, if it is loaded correctly, sane-find-scanner should return 
> the device node if it is accessible for the program. You might check
> the access rights...

I allowed everybody everything on /dev/usr/sacnner0! Still doesn't work. :-(


> Please check 
>   Gerhard
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Previous by date: 21 Dec 2002 16:32:54 -0000 Re: Trying to get colorado direct 9600 working., Jaeger, Gerhard
Next by date: 21 Dec 2002 16:32:54 -0000 Re: add Canon N650U to modules.conf, Edgar Kuchelmeister
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