plustek: xsane/sane/scanimage/xscanimage ???

Previous by date: 23 Oct 2000 07:22:45 -0000 xsane/sane/scanimage/xscanimage ???, Haiko Appel
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Subject: Re: xsane/sane/scanimage/xscanimage ???
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 23 Oct 2000 07:22:45 -0000
Message-Id: <00102308095100.00425@gja>

Haiko, please ask in english, so other people
can follow the discussion of your problem.


Previous by date: 23 Oct 2000 07:22:45 -0000 xsane/sane/scanimage/xscanimage ???, Haiko Appel
Next by date: 23 Oct 2000 07:22:45 -0000 Re: unresolved symbols, Jaeger, Gerhard
Previous in thread: 23 Oct 2000 07:22:45 -0000 xsane/sane/scanimage/xscanimage ???, Haiko Appel
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