plustek: problems with pt12

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Subject: Re: problems with pt12
From: "Jaeger, Gerhard" ####@####.####
Date: 11 Apr 2001 06:16:05 -0000
Message-Id: <01041108202402.00498@gja>

Hi Michael,

thanks for the feedback.
The slow speed on ASIC96003 based 600dpi devices (like OP12000P
9630P and 96000P) is a known problem. This driver has been derived
of the sources for the 300dpi devices and so the stepper motor control
setup is not optimized. I've tried several times to speed up these devices
but I had no luck so far and it was not possible to get some source
code from Plustek. 


On Die, 10 Apr 2001, Michael Hanke wrote:
> Ok, problem solved, but for others who might have similiar
> problems, I give my solution:
> as stated in my posting, I had SPP parallel mode activated,
> which I thought of as a first (slow) try. 
> I switch the BIOS to ECP+EPP. Then the loading
> of pt_drv failed. Switching the BIOS to EPP not just
> doubled scanning speed but worked around the problems
> described in my earlier posting. SPP doesn't seem to work.
> Good luck
> -- 
> Michael                                            _o
>                                                   /_[;    __/
>                                                  _]/(_) _/   
> PGP-Key 0x7E1231ED                        _____ (_) ___/     

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