plustek: i need a power pack

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Subject: i need a power pack
From: "Paul Desjardins" ####@####.####
Date: 8 Feb 2002 16:59:34 -0000
Message-Id: <>

To whom it may consern

My name is Paul Desjardins I have a Plustek [FBIVP] but I no longer have the power pack.
I would like to Know where I may get one and how much would it be? I live in Portugal so I would 
need the closest contact. I need a trasformerfor 220 input and a out put of 24V please see what you 
can do for me thank you for your time 

Regards Paul

Previous by date: 8 Feb 2002 16:59:34 -0000 unresolved symbols, Steve Hanov
Next by date: 8 Feb 2002 16:59:34 -0000 Re: i need a power pack, Jaeger, Gerhard
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Next in thread: 8 Feb 2002 16:59:34 -0000 Re: i need a power pack, Jaeger, Gerhard

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