gnupic: Thread: WISP628 programmer layout design?

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Subject: WISP628 programmer layout design?
From: "Jay Dagenais" ####@####.####
Date: 3 Feb 2006 22:14:03 +0000
Message-Id: <BAY112-F5E86642B1EC651B976168D90D0@phx.gbl>

Hi all, I hope that this is not too off topic for the forum, but am seeking 
a board layout file for the WISP628 PIC programmer design that is available 
online freely and for sale as a built unit, the site provides virtually 
everything but no layout file for the schematic. If anyone has already built 
one of these and still has their layout design handy and is willing to post 
it I'm sure not only I would be thankful! It looks like a great design, and 
the picture of the built unit the sell looks well designed, so was hoping to 
mimic that layout, but really don't care as long as it werks on a wide 
variety of PIC's including the 18series. Also was wondering if anyone has 
used the programmer along with Linux already and can make any 
recommendations for a newbie, such as quircks to look out for, alternative 
software to use, software to stay away from. There is one link for a Linux 
bootloader on the site, but would like to hear if anyone has a better 
solution or perhaps a review of their experience in the terms of obsticals 
overcome to reach a stable programer solution for programming PIC's under 
Linux. Thanks in advance, jaydag71

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