gnupic: Thread: Re: [gnupic] Re: [PIC] piklab now supports ICD2 and PICkit 2 programmer under Linux

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Subject: RE: [gnupic] Re: [PIC] piklab now supports ICD2 and PICkit 2 programmer under Linux
From: "Chen Xiao Fan" ####@####.####
Date: 21 Feb 2006 00:01:40 +0000
Message-Id: <>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: news ####@####.#### Behalf Of John Steele Scott
> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:57 AM
> This is excellent. I haven't used it yet, but I presume the 
> fact that there is a command-line programmer means that I can 
> program chips  without having to leave Emacs, let alone fire up 
> my Windows box. 

Yes there is a command line called piklab-prog. The settings
still needs to be done in the GUI mode piklab.
> But I noticed from 
> <> that the
> 30F3013 is not supported. How difficult would it be to add 
> this support? Is it just a matter of testing? I have samples of 
> 30F3012/3 and 30F2011/2 which I could test. My current project is 
> using 30F3013, so this is the one I really want support for.

I think the codes to support dsPICs are there for ICD2. There
may be some bugs but you can submit the bug report to the
author (Nicolas). He is fast in fixing bugs. So far my testing
is more on PICkit 2 and ICD2 support of 12F/16F/18F device. It
would be nice that you can do the testing for the dsPICs you have.

> Also, does piklab's programmer support showing the silicon revision of
> dsPICs?

I think it should but I have not tried dsPICs yet with piklab.
> One last question: has anyone made debs for this stuff yet?

Not yet and you could do it for Debian/Ubuntu. Thanks.

Subject: Re: [gnupic] Re: [PIC] piklab now supports ICD2 and PICkit 2 programmer under Linux
From: Nicolas ####@####.####
Date: 21 Feb 2006 16:29:37 +0000
Message-Id: <>

> But I noticed from <> that the
> 30F3013 is not supported. How difficult would it be to add this support? Is
> it just a matter of testing? I have samples of 30F3012/3 and 30F2011/2
> which I could test. My current project is using 30F3013, so this is the one
> I really want support for.

supporting the 30F3013 is very simple if other dsPICs work. I haven't
tested any yet and I received an email today about them not working...
I'll try to fix that soon... stay tuned.

> Also, does piklab's programmer support showing the silicon revision of
> dsPICs?

Yes that will work.

Subject: Re: [gnupic] Re: [PIC] piklab now supports ICD2 and PICkit 2 programmer under Linux
From: "Xiaofan Chen" ####@####.####
Date: 28 Feb 2006 14:18:11 +0000
Message-Id: <>

piklab 0.5.0 has been released by Nicolas Hadacek.

Features of version 0.5.0:

    * compile C sources with "sdcc".
    * assemble and link with "gpasm" and "gplink".
    * disassembly listing.
    * project manager. Displays linker script and included files.
    * hex file editor. All but newest devices are supported. Tested
only with inhx32 format.
    * programming with "direct" programmers (serial and parallel).
Baseline, mid-range and some 18F devices supported.
    * programming with ICD2 (serial and USB). Automatically upload the
correct firmware for the programmer.
    * programming with PICkit2. Baseline and mid-range devices supported.
    * basic debugging with ICD2. Run, halt, step, and breakpoint in
assembler files. Only mid-range devices are supported. The project is
correctly built for debugging.
    * command-line programmer ("piklab-prog"). Most settings need to
be set with the graphical interface. It needs the KDE libraries to
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