gnupic: Thread: [PIC] piklab now supports ICD2 and PICkit 2 programmer under Linux

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Subject: [PIC] piklab now supports ICD2 and PICkit 2 programmer under Linux
From: Xiaofan Chen ####@####.####
Date: 15 Feb 2006 13:41:46 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Nicolas Hadacek has released piklab 0.4.1.

The website is

Features of version 0.4.1:

    * compile and link assembler files with "gpasm" and "gplink".
    * disassembly listing.
    * project manager. Displays linker script and included files.
    * hex file editor. All but newest PIC and dsPIC are supported. Tested
      only with inhx32 format.
    * programming with "direct" programmers (serial and parallel). Mid-range
      and some 18F devices supported.
    * programming with ICD2 (serial and USB). Automatically upload the
      correct firmware for the programmer.
    * programming with PICkit2. Baseline and mid-range devices supported.
    * basic debugging with ICD2. Run, halt and step with program counter
      display in assembler files. Only mid-range devices are supported. The
       project is correctly built for debugging.
    * command-line programmer ("piklab-prog"). Most configuration values
       needs to be set with the graphical interface. It needs the KDE libraries
        to run.

Subject: Re: [PIC] piklab now supports ICD2 and PICkit 2 programmer under Linux
From: John Steele Scott ####@####.####
Date: 20 Feb 2006 22:57:53 +0000
Message-Id: <dtdhgm$sgg$>

Xiaofan Chen wrote:
> Nicolas Hadacek has released piklab 0.4.1.
> The website is
> Features of version 0.4.1:
>     * compile and link assembler files with "gpasm" and "gplink".
>     * disassembly listing.
>     * project manager. Displays linker script and included files.
>     * hex file editor. All but newest PIC and dsPIC are supported. Tested
>       only with inhx32 format.
>     * programming with "direct" programmers (serial and parallel).
>     Mid-range
>       and some 18F devices supported.
>     * programming with ICD2 (serial and USB). Automatically upload the
>       correct firmware for the programmer.

This is excellent. I haven't used it yet, but I presume the fact that there
is a command-line programmer means that I can program chips without having
to leave Emacs, let alone fire up my Windows box. 

But I noticed from <> that the
30F3013 is not supported. How difficult would it be to add this support? Is
it just a matter of testing? I have samples of 30F3012/3 and 30F2011/2
which I could test. My current project is using 30F3013, so this is the one
I really want support for.

Also, does piklab's programmer support showing the silicon revision of

One last question: has anyone made debs for this stuff yet?



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