gnupic: Thread: Re: [gnupic] MCHPFSUSB AN950, AN956, ...

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] MCHPFSUSB AN950, AN956, ...
From: "rkuhnen (sent by" ####@####.####
Date: 1 Feb 2006 15:49:03 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi list, 
I just started with pic 18f2550 and sdcc and used the MC2.tbz code posted here.
It compiled fine but running on the chip, it seems that the usb module only goes 
up to the DEFAULT state. Maybe something goes wrong during adressing.
Is there a working port for the sdcc out there?

(SDCC : mcs51/gbz80/z80/avr/ds390/pic16/pic14/TININative/xa51/ds400/hc08 2.5.4 #1198 (Jan 30 2006) (UNIX) and latest CVS of gputils)

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Subject: RE: [gnupic] MCHPFSUSB AN950, AN956, ...
From: "Chen Xiao Fan" ####@####.####
Date: 2 Feb 2006 02:52:13 +0000
Message-Id: <>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rkuhnen (sent by
> Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 11:49 PM
> I just started with pic 18f2550 and sdcc and used the MC2.tbz 
> code posted here.
> It compiled fine but running on the chip, it seems that the 
> usb module only goes up to the DEFAULT state. Maybe something
> goes wrong during addressing.
> Is there a working port for the sdcc out there?

Please try the following link and report your progress. Thanks.

You need to change main.c and stdp.c so that it will build
with later version of sdcc. Attached please find the updated
C files. You may need to change the Makefile as well. I have
not tested this though but the author said the usb part
is working (not the stdp part for dsPIC). You should look
into usb.c and comms.c for the usb related information. It
is meant for PICkit 2 with the PICkit 2 bootloader so it is
using 0x2000 and above memory since the lower memory is
reserved by the bootloader.

You can also try to port Bradley Minch's C18 USB examples to
SDCC. They are less complicated than Microchip's C18 stack.
Moreover there are corresponding assembly based version so it
will be "easier" to port to sdcc. So far there is one report 
of SDCC port of those examples but it is not working.


[Content type application/octet-stream not shown. Download]

[Content type application/octet-stream not shown. Download]
Subject: Re: [gnupic] MCHPFSUSB AN950, AN956, ...
From: Xiaofan Chen ####@####.####
Date: 2 Feb 2006 12:34:13 +0000
Message-Id: <>

On 2/2/06, Chen Xiao Fan ####@####.#### wrote:

> You need to change main.c and stdp.c so that it will build
> with later version of sdcc. Attached please find the updated
> C files. You may need to change the Makefile as well.

Here is the Makefile under linux. It should work for Windows as well but
I have not tested that.

CFLAGS=-mpic16 -p18f2550 --ivt-loc=0x2000 --use-crt=crt0iz.o
#LDFLAGS=-p18f2550 -Wl"-s18f2550.lkr" libio18f2550.lib
OBJ=usb.o main.o comms.o vpp.o stdp.o
LIB = pic18f2550.lib libsdcc.lib

all: $(PROJ)

$(PROJ): $(OBJ)
	gplink -s 18f2550.lkr -I/usr/local/share/sdcc/lib/pic16 -o $@
crt0iz.o $(LIB) $(OBJ)

#%.o: %.c
#	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

	$(RM) *.asm *.cod *.hex *.lst *.o

install: all
	sed 's/^:040000/:042000/' main.hex > main2.hex
#	~/project/pickit2/src/pk2_bootload main2.hex

#	smbclient '\\radio\Share Area' -D pic/usb -N -c 'prompt; mput *'

Subject: Re: [gnupic] MCHPFSUSB AN950, AN956, ...
From: "rkuhnen (sent by" ####@####.####
Date: 3 Feb 2006 10:33:47 +0000
Message-Id: <>

Thanks for the hint,

I tried the pickit code.
I dont have a bootloader, so i used the standard linker skript of gputils.

The changes in code I did are:
- commented out the vpp and stdp stuff to have the "naked" usb
- added  "while(UCONbits.SE0);" to usb_init()
- added ";" after the Nop() commands

What happened:
the usb_gettype(0) in comms.c never returns ptSetup
... don't know why...

pic18f2550 with 20MHz crystal, bus powered
portA as input, portB as led outputs (for tracing code)

Tried a bootloader I got as .hex file, disassembled it , removed everything but the USB stuff for better understanding, assembled again with my config bits and it was recognized by the computer... seems the hardware works.

The code I used can be seen on

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