gnupic: Thread: pk2 2.01

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Subject: pk2 2.01
From: Jeff ####@####.####
Date: 10 Jul 2006 14:33:13 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Pk2 version 2.01 is online at

In addition to minor bug fixes, there are new commands. -osccal 0Xxxxx will 
write to both primary and backup osccal words on baseline devices. To write 
only the primary osccal, use -osccalp and to write backup only, use -osccalb 
(applies only to baseline devices).

There is a new command to write ID words: 
-id 0Xxxxx 0Xyyyy ....
will write up to four ID words.

Note that the current ID words or osccal words must be blank as you can only 
change 1 bits to 0 bits in flash memory.


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