gnupic: Thread: Re: [X_SPAM] Re: [gnupic] gplink Question

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Subject: Re: [X_SPAM] Re: [gnupic] gplink Question
From: Julian Green ####@####.####
Date: 6 Jul 2006 08:52:07 +0100
Message-Id: <>

I bit the bullet and created a web page where I can put various bits and
pieces for PIC work that I do. The bootloader I did is at


On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, M.S.Waters wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thanks for all the replies. I haven't had time to actually
> implement them but it's given me a good starting point.
> There are some really good ideas floating around out there but
> I haven't found a bootloader that incorporates all of them IMHO.
> I'm currently using the Tiny Bootloader until I get mine going.
> I've found it to be very good and have even got the GUI running
> under Linux and Wine. I think keeping the functionality and
> therefore code size to a minimum is a good idea but not at all
> costs. There are certain features which in my view are essential
> and well worth the code space used. These include:
>  * Readable / maintainable sources (assembler is not easy to
>    read at the best of times).
>  * Auto baud rate detection (no need to alter the bootloader code
>    due to a change in crystal frequency).
>  * No need to modify the user's code to accommodate the bootloader.
>  * Error detection.
>  * GNU Licensed.
> Julian: I'd be interested in looking at your code for your client
> tool. I'm using wxWidgets for a different project and have toyed
> with the idea of developing a GUI for my bootloader using wxWidgets.
> Would you email me a copy.
> Mike Waters
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