gnupic: Thread: Re: [X_SPAM] [gnupic] gplink Question

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Subject: Re: [X_SPAM] [gnupic] gplink Question
From: Julian Green ####@####.####
Date: 4 Jul 2006 08:42:40 +0100
Message-Id: <>

I also have recently developed a bootloader. Operates over a serial link
and is based on the tiny bootloader that is 100 bytes big - alas my
version in now slightly over 100 bytes.  I have also written client tool
using the wxWidgets library so it can be compiled on windows, mac and
linux without difficulty.   I am happy to make it available for others,
but dont have a web site to upload it to.  Is anyone interested?


On Tue, 4 Jul 2006, M.S.Waters wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm in the process of developing a PIC bootloader specifically for
> Linux based PIC development. At this stage it will be comprised of
> the bootloader and a CLI utility to talk to the bootloader. Both the
> bootloader and CLI are 70%-80% complete.
> The bootloader is made up of 4 ASM modules which are separately
> assembled and then linked with gplink. The bootloader is designed to
> be installed at the top of the PIC's memory.
> I would like to hard code a memory address in one module using an ORG
> or CODE directive and have the linker place the remaining modules
> after the first. At present I must address all 4 modules separately
> which kind of defeats the purpose of using the linker.
> I've read the gplink documentation, am using v0.13.3 of gputils and
> have tried everything I can think of to no avail.
> Could someone offer any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> Mike W.
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