nanogui: Thread: Nano-X for games and gaming.

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Subject: Nano-X for games and gaming.
From: Simon Wood ####@####.####
Date: 17 Aug 2000 13:45:56 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Hi all,
I had a muck around last night at porting the gameboy emulator GBE over to nano-x, it seems to work (partially) but is D.O.G slow. The two problems I've got is input sensing and output rendering speed.

Output Speed.
The present system uses a 'plot(x,y,c)' function to plot into a non visible screen, then this is blitted to the visible window from time to time. The blitting is reasonably fast (well in comparison), but the plotting is very slow.

I have implemented plot with:
	GrSetGCForeground(gc, c)
	GrPixel(window, x, y)
and the blit with:
	GrCopyArea(blar blar blar)

This seems to go through a whole load of stuff, message passing etc and then finally sets the bits in memory somewhere. Is it possible to bypass all this and go straight to the memory (after I own as I malloc'ed it...).

If so what is the format and will it always be constant across different platforms - I have a vague memory that nano-x is 24 bit internal and only limits on the final rendering? (I would love horizontal scan lines, 3 bytes per pixel RGB !!).

I assume the CopyArea stuff is optmised as best as possible....

Input sensing.
As with most games you want to sense multiple buttons held down simulataneous, can Nano-x handle this? The X version uses shift and control etc, and X seems to issue events on modifier key press/release.

If I can get it running past the intro screen and faster that a frame a minute then I put it up for download..... 
Simon Wood

Subject: Re: Nano-X for games and gaming.
From: Alex Holden ####@####.####
Date: 17 Aug 2000 14:50:21 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Simon Wood wrote:
> Output Speed.

Are you using X or framebuffer? Blitting to the screen under X is
incredibly slow for some reason.

--------------- Linux- the choice of a GNU generation. --------------
: Alex Holden (M1CJD)- Caver, Programmer, Land Rover nut, Radio Ham :
-------------------- --------------------

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