newscache: Thread: NewsCache 1.1.90 released

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Subject: NewsCache 1.1.90 released
From: Herbert Straub ####@####.####
Date: 27 Oct 2003 15:32:48 -0000
Message-Id: <>

* Completely improved authentication model: AUTHINFO USER/PASS supports now
        - file (plain or encrypted passwords). configuration option
          --enable-plainpass (default=no)
        - unix; configuration options:
          --with-md5 --with-md5auto --with-shadow
        - pam (pluggable authentication modules) confiuration option
        - pam+file same as above, but the user permission can be
          specified in the addiational file
  file and unix authentication methods are also available in earlier
  version, but now all methods are consolidated in a uniform schema.
  All methods understand further group specification and allow
  additional methods (example: post). Only the commands are
  displayed with the HELP command, for those are the authorization
  is granted.

* authentification errors now handled.
  a client process accepted only three wrong passwords and
  then the client is disconnected. The answer to the client
  is also time delayed. The necessary parameters are now
  fix implemented, but can be configurable in the
  configuration file.

* extented XDEBUG command
  Now there are two supported commands:
  This commands are only available, if the debug option is
  listed in allow parameter.

* a lot of consolidation work is done, to bring the man
  pages, the example configuration file and the source
  code in synchronization. The newscache.conf manpage
  contains only tested and verified parameters (I hope

* all programs follows  the  usual GNU command line syntax,
  with long options starting with two dashes (`-').

* all programs options are verified and corrected and(!) a
  description is available in the man pages.

* many bugfixes and patches fom Tilman Linneweh (see
  Changelog for details.

Please read also: Changelog, NEWS, TODO

SHA1(NewsCache-1.1.90.tar.gz)= 2d02e14f96a757de0488463f24c387ac818d6f14
0c15eab599f901161c117e2f40562b7f  NewsCache-1.1.90.tar.gz


Please send error reports to: ####@####.####

Best Regards
Herbert Straub

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