nanogui: Author: David Douthitt

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Timestamp Subject Author
29 Jun 2001 17:46:17 -0000 Compiling microwin to use SVGAlib David Douthitt
29 Jun 2001 17:40:24 -0000 Problems with ioctl_getpalette() and ioctl_setpalette() David Douthitt
29 Jun 2001 17:18:20 -0000 Re: Documentation David Douthitt
29 Jun 2001 16:18:55 -0000 Re: Documentation David Douthitt
29 Jun 2001 15:26:38 -0000 Re: Compiling nano-X (SVGAlib) under Linux Mandrake 8 David Douthitt
29 Jun 2001 15:26:29 -0000 Documentation David Douthitt
29 Jun 2001 14:44:40 -0000 Re: Compiling nano-X (SVGAlib) under Linux Mandrake 8 David Douthitt
29 Jun 2001 14:28:39 -0000 Re: Compiling nano-X (SVGAlib) under Linux Mandrake 8 David Douthitt
28 Jun 2001 21:45:26 -0000 Compiling nano-X (SVGAlib) under Linux Mandrake 8 David Douthitt
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