plustek: Author: Edgar Kuchelmeister

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Timestamp Subject Author
30 Dec 2002 22:00:12 -0000 Driver plustek-0.45-TEST5 and Canon N650U Edgar Kuchelmeister
28 Dec 2002 18:59:05 -0000 Compilation of plustek-0.45-TEST5 failed Edgar Kuchelmeister
21 Dec 2002 17:22:23 -0000 Re: add Canon N650U to modules.conf Edgar Kuchelmeister
21 Dec 2002 15:01:02 -0000 Re: canon N6540U modprobe Edgar Kuchelmeister
20 Dec 2002 19:12:42 -0000 add Canon N650U to modules.conf Edgar Kuchelmeister
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