gnupic: gpasm-0.18.1

Previous by date: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Matthew Bowles
Next by date: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Scott Dattalo
Previous in thread: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Matthew Bowles
Next in thread: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Scott Dattalo

Subject: Re: gpasm-0.18.1
From: Ralf Forsberg ####@####.####
Date: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000
Message-Id: <00022818322900.00917@small>

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, you wrote:
>Scott Dattalo wrote:
>> I'll be adding the program memory flash read/write next.
>> Ralf - Are you up to writing a program memory object viewer? I was
>> thinking of something based on gtksheet again, just program memory would
>> be displayed instead of register memory.

<off topic>
I just got one of these 'ergonomic' keyboard, and I have BIG problems
finding the keys. :-) I'll have to relearn typing, but we'll see how
it goes.
</off topic>

>> Does anyone have any suggestions on how 1) to present the contents of
>> program memory 2) to convey changes in the program memory?
>Show adjusted program memory values in a new colour, and perhaps have an
>option available to auto-scroll the window to show the memory block
>containing the recently adjusted memory location. obivously you can't
>display all at once ,but can we select multiple and not neccessarily
>adjacent blocks of memory to display.. that would be useful, for
>instance, when picc locates some code around the reset vector and some
>near 7FFh and some more at the end of the memory bank (1FFFh for the

How would you want to define memory areas to display?

My first thought was to select memory in the object browser and have
a menu item to add it?

 / Ralf

Previous by date: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Matthew Bowles
Next by date: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Scott Dattalo
Previous in thread: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Matthew Bowles
Next in thread: 28 Feb 2000 17:07:29 -0000 Re: gpasm-0.18.1, Scott Dattalo

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