gnupic: SDCC in CVS

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Subject: SDCC in CVS
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 14 Mar 2002 16:51:53 -0000
Message-Id: <>

I've just commit'd ~ 6 or more weeks of changes to SDCC CVS. Some of the
major things added:

* Individual devices can be selected (although it's currently defaulted in
src/pic/device.h to the value specified in DEFAULT_DEVICE)

* Register allocation is processor dependent.

* Dynamic register banking is (mostly) supported.

* Character strings are now supported

* Interrupts are now supported (although there's an ugly hack on how one
must declare an interrupt)

* Const pointers are (mostly) supported.


There were numerous changes made "under the hood". The whole register
allocation infrastructure has been redeisgned for the PIC architecure.
SDCC now knows how to make use of registers that are aliased in multiple
banks (like the last 16 register in banks 0 - 3 on a 16f877).

The flow analysis has been modified to track register bank usage. There's
some work still left to be done in this area, but it's by and large
working. In other words, you can declare variables at absolute addresses
and SDCC will fix up the RPX bits in the status register as needed.

As mentioned in an earlier e-mail, I've gotten Bob Blick's lcdterm.c
program to compile and run.


The SDCC group plans to release 2.4.0 before the end of March. This
version will support the PIC. Those of you who don't feel like messing
around with CVS can finally get a chance to see how broken, I mean good,
that SDCC is! Over the next two weeks I'll be trying several "real world"
C programs to see how well SDCC handles them. Stay tuned!


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