gnupic: PIC operating system

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Subject: Re: PIC operating system
From: Dan Christian ####@####.####
Date: 23 Mar 2002 02:41:24 -0000
Message-Id: <>

I've done something along that line.  

I have a multi-drop serial environment worked up.  It can handle serial 
speeds up to 115Kb and supports multiple commands in one packet.  Its a 
single master, many slave style network with group addressing.  It's setup so 
that you can download new code into flash over the network and it gets tied 
directly into the base layer.  It's not threaded, but the serial is handled 
at interrupt level, plus there is a constant rate loop, and then the command 
execution.  So, it appears like two things happen at once, and the serial 
just works magically.

I've really come to a halt on the project.  One problem is that I need a 
linker to tie everything together.  I can run the MicroChip assember, 
librarian, and linker under a combination of DOS and WINE, but it's a bit of 
a hack.  Since people would need a similar environment to develop code, it 
really isn't supportable.  When gputils comes online, things should be much 

The other problem is just that the paging and banking on the pic16 family 
makes everything much harder.  The "OS" portion takes up the whole first page 
and part of the second.  Plus, doing everything in assembly (with a miniscule 
call stack) is very slow.

I hope to pick this up again on the pic18F family.  There is more memory, a 
bigger stack, fewer (if any) paging issues, more flash, a faster clock, and 
it still fits in a 28 pin package!  Plus, it may be practical to add in code 
in C.

I plan to open source the whole thing (Pic source, interface library source, 
and schematic) if I can get it to a usable point.  I'm hoping to make a few 
$$ by selling pre-assembled boards and designing custom versions.

I talked to MicroChip last week.  It sounds like all the development pieces 
for the 18f will finally be available around the end of April.  I may pick it 
back up then.


On Thursday 21 March 2002 09:51, TREVOR WHITE wrote:
> Hiya.
> I am kinda messing with writing a small operating system for a PIC. I am
> playing with the PIC16F877 at the moment. Has anyone else done this? Well I
> reckon they haveAre there sites out there. I work with PICs all day and we
> have generic code chunks for this and that but nothing that makes it real
> easy to do. I suppose programming in assembler doesnt make it easy full
> stop. ;-)

Previous by date: 23 Mar 2002 02:41:24 -0000 Re: USB, Eric Smith
Next by date: 23 Mar 2002 02:41:24 -0000 Re: picprg, Michael Shiloh
Previous in thread: 23 Mar 2002 02:41:24 -0000 Re: PIC operating system, Andreas Junge - ATT
Next in thread: 23 Mar 2002 02:41:24 -0000 Re: PIC operating system, Xavier.Montagne

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