gnupic: gpsim

Previous by date: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 Re: #pragma for memory maps, Scott Dattalo
Next by date: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 Re: gpsim, Scott Dattalo
Previous in thread: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 gpsim, Deva Seetharam
Next in thread: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 Re: gpsim, Scott Dattalo

Subject: Re: gpsim
From: ####@####.#### (Linas Vepstas)
Date: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 01:37:11AM -0400, Deva Seetharam was heard to remark:
> Hi all,
> i need to simulate a distributed embedded system that is composed of 
> thousands of pics. 

Can't answer your questions, but ... my curiosity is piqued ... 
"MIT Media Labs" .... what are you planning on doing with a thousand
connected pics?


pub  1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) ####@####.####
PGP Key fingerprint = 8305 2521 6000 0B5E 8984  3F54 64A9 9A82 0104 5933

Previous by date: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 Re: #pragma for memory maps, Scott Dattalo
Next by date: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 Re: gpsim, Scott Dattalo
Previous in thread: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 gpsim, Deva Seetharam
Next in thread: 1 Jul 2002 17:39:57 -0000 Re: gpsim, Scott Dattalo

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