gnupic: gpsim

Previous by date: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 More C libraries, Jeff Jackowski
Next by date: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 Re: gpsim, Deva Seetharam
Previous in thread: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 Re: gpsim, Scott Dattalo
Next in thread: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 Re: gpsim, Deva Seetharam

Subject: Re: gpsim
From: Deva Seetharam ####@####.####
Date: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000
Message-Id: <>

> On Sat, Jun 29, 2002 at 01:37:11AM -0400, Deva Seetharam was heard to remark:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > i need to simulate a distributed embedded system that is composed of 
> > thousands of pics. 
> Can't answer your questions, but ... my curiosity is piqued ... 
> "MIT Media Labs" .... what are you planning on doing with a thousand
> connected pics?

as you might know, due to the improvements in fabrication technologies, 
it is becoming possible to build tiny embedded computing devices that
can be interconnected together to build massively distributed embedded 
systems such as sensor networks, building automation systems etc.

(pls. see Embedded, Everywhere: A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of
Embedded Computers (2001).)

the fundamental problem with these systmes is scale complexity. due to 
the large number of devices involved, the conventional approach to 
networking and programming don't work. 

i am developing a new programming language and network protocol for these 
systems. i need to demonstrate this language by building a few 
application. but, due to time and resource constraints, i am not being 
able to build it in hardware.

so, i am trying to show the applications in simulation.

if you are interested in this area, pls. see
0. myriad nets
1. pushpin computers
2. paintable computing
3. amorphous computing
4. deborah estrin's works


Previous by date: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 More C libraries, Jeff Jackowski
Next by date: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 Re: gpsim, Deva Seetharam
Previous in thread: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 Re: gpsim, Scott Dattalo
Next in thread: 2 Jul 2002 03:43:39 -0000 Re: gpsim, Deva Seetharam

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