gnupic: support for 18Fxxx parts ?

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Subject: Re: support for 18Fxxx parts ?
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 3 Jul 2002 04:12:51 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Jesse Lackey wrote:

> Hello all,
> Is anyone using the 18Fxxx parts under linux?  I've been using gpasm and 
> a tweaked programmer (picprg2.x) for 16F877 with good success.  From 
> looking at the gpasm documentation it doesn't appear to support the 
> 16-bit program word devices.

gpasm supports the 18fxxx devices just fine.

> Anyone using microchip software under Wine to do this?  Tips/advice?

I've heard of it being done, but I don't know the latest status (only 
parts worked).

> Is it possible to use SDCC output and assemble it for 18Fxxx parts? 

yes, in the same way any 14-bit targetted program works on the 16-bit 
cores. SDCC will not target the 18fxxx parts natively.

> Perhaps with some (automated?) conversion process?  Are the 16-bit parts 
> upwardly compatible with the 14-bit at the source level?

Almost 100%, but as Matt says almost is not good enough. There are a 
couple of really subtle differences - e.g. incf and decf affect the C and 
DC bits in the 18fxxx parts, but not in the 14-bit cores.


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