gnupic: hiccoughs on the learning curve.

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Subject: Re: hiccoughs on the learning curve.
From: Samuel Tardieu ####@####.####
Date: 26 Sep 2002 14:32:26 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On 26/09, Declan Moriarty wrote:

| 	movlw 0x3f		; W = 0011 1111
| 	movf PORTC,  1		; should put W in PORTC but doesn't
| but this does
| 	movlw 0x3f		; W = 0011 1111
| 	movwf PORTC		

movf does not move W anywhere: it moves the content of a register (PORTC
in your case) either in W or in the register itself (the latter case may
be used to set STATUS flags or to change the status of open-collector
outputs of port C).

movwf, on the other hand, does what is expected, namely moving W into
register PORTC.

However, do not forget to set TRISC before, as PORTC pins are inputs by

| 2. Again to look at gpsim, this writes to TMR1L but not to TMR1H :-o
| 	clrf STATUS		; BANK 0.
| 	movlw 0x04		; W=0000 0101
| 	movwf T1CON		; Sets TMR1 @ 1:1 prescale, & internal clk, & off. 
| 	clrf TMR1L		; Sets TMR1L as zero
| 	movlw 0xfb		; w=0xfb
| 	movwf TMR1H		; Timer 1 prescaler = FB
| I can't spot the obvious mistake.

It looks like a bug in gpsim, TMR1H contains zero just after the write. Or
something obscure is hidden deep in the datasheet that I can't spot right
now :)


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