gnupic: gpasm question/may be a bug

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Subject: Re: gpasm question/may be a bug
From: Tobias Schlottke ####@####.####
Date: 18 Oct 2002 20:58:45 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Samuel Tardieu wrote:

> | 	xorwf PORTB,PORTB
> This has no meaning, as the second argument as to be "w" or "f".
> Your assembler probably assembles xorwf as:

Ok, but if it _has_ to be f or w, at least a
warning would be nice to have. I.E. if I write
bsf 0x20,8
the compiler generates a warning that 8 is out of
I feel xorwf PORTB,PORTB easier to read,
even if the second argument must be the same like
the first one (or equal w).

>   0x600 | port address | (flag << 7)
> where "flag" is 0 for "w" and 1 for "f".
> As you erroneously used "PORTB" (whose value is 6) as "flag", this gives:
>   0x600 | 6 | (6 << 7) = 0x706
> 0x706 just happens to be the opcode for "addwf PORTB,w", no mistery here.

:-), ok, if you know how the assembler is
implemented, then there is no mistery.

Thanks for your fast response and clearification,


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