gnupic: Questions about SDCC PIC code gen

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Subject: Re: Questions about SDCC PIC code gen
From: Rick Mann ####@####.####
Date: 22 Oct 2002 04:22:05 -0000
Message-Id: <>

on 10/21/02 7:27 PM, matt at ####@####.#### wrote:

> Can you give us, say, the 5 preceding assembly instructions and the 5
> following. Thanks.

Sure! I only limited it because it was on a different computer, and I was
typing it all in. Here's the actual code, copy/pasted. I've put both the C
and the ASM, but I left out all of the equates. BTW, I also don't get proper
code for setting the global gIRState variable.


#include "p16f877.h"

typedef    unsigned char            UInt8;

void InitPorts();

UInt8                gIRState    =    0;

    PORTD = 0xA;

    //    Clear GIE
        GIE = 0;
    } while (GIE != 0);
    TRISD = 0;
    //    Clear all our program registers
    gIRState = 1;


    ORG 0
; interrupt vector 
;    .area    CSEG    (CODE)
;    ljmp    __sdcc_gsinit_startup
;    reti
;    .ds    7
;    reti
;    .ds    7
;    reti
;    .ds    7
;    reti
;    .ds    7
;    reti
;    .ds    7
;    reti
;    .ds    7
; global & static initialisations
;    .area GSINIT  (CODE)
;    .area GSFINAL (CODE)
;    .area GSINIT  (CODE)
;    .area GSFINAL (CODE)
;    ljmp    __sdcc_program_startup
; code
;    .area CSEG    (CODE)
;  pBlock Stats: dbName = D
;; Starting pCode block
;  pBlock Stats: dbName = M
;entry:  _main    ;Function start
; 2 exit points
;has an exit
;functions called:
;   _InitPorts
;   _InitPorts
;; Starting pCode block
_main    ;Function start
; 2 exit points
;#CSRC    test.c 16
;  InitPorts();
    CALL    _InitPorts
;#CSRC    test.c 17
;  PORTD = 0xA;
    MOVLW    0x0a
; exit point of _main
;  pBlock Stats: dbName = C
;entry:  _InitPorts    ;Function start
; 2 exit points
;has an exit
;; Starting pCode block
_InitPorts    ;Function start
; 2 exit points
;#CSRC    test.c 27
;  GIE = 0;
    BCF    (_GIE >> 3), (_GIE & 7)
    BSF    _STATUS,5
;#CSRC    test.c 30
;  TRISD = 0;
    CLRF    _TRISD
;#CSRC    test.c 34
;  gIRState = 1;
    MOVLW    0x01
    BCF    _STATUS,5
; exit point of _InitPorts


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Next by date: 22 Oct 2002 04:22:05 -0000 Re: Questions about SDCC PIC code gen, matt
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