gnupic: 16F628 timer0

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Subject: Re: 16F628 timer0
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 9 Nov 2002 15:30:09 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On 9 Nov 2002, John De Villiers wrote:

> Greetings
> I am new to this list, but not to pic's
> Has the issue with simulating the timer0 interrupt on a 16F628 been
> resolved yet ?

Since there hasn't been any work in over 3 months on gpsim (or sdcc) by 
me, then the answer is probably no.

I can say though, that I've been using timer0 just fine on the 18f452 in 
gpsim. I realize that hardly helps you. 

It now looks like it'll be sometime during the Christmas Holidays before 
I'll get a decent chance to return to Open Source development. 


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