gnupic: Pic A/d Weirdness.

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Subject: Re: Pic A/d Weirdness.
From: Declan Moriarty ####@####.####
Date: 11 Nov 2002 17:38:38 -0000
Message-Id: <02111117132601.00832@genius.chateau.dec>

Was it Rogier Wolff who wrote on Monday 11 November 2002 11:17:
> On Sat, Nov 09, 2002 at 07:13:01PM -0800, Scott Dattalo wrote:
> > On Sat, 9 Nov 2002, Declan Moriarty wrote:
> > > I have a little pic project goine here - e v e n t u a l l y!
> > >
> > > The one fly in the ointment is a temprature routine, in which my A/D
> > > doesn't make sense, but returns a value of 3ff for the 10 bits :-(
> >
> > Try replacing the temperature transducer with a voltage source that can
> > be varied. The best "voltage source" in your case may be a potentiometer.
> > If you connect the two ends of the pot to Vref- and Vref+ and connect the
> > wiper to your analog input, then you should be able to turn the knob on
> > the pot and cover the full analog range. I'm not suggesting that this
> > will fix your problem, but it can remove one of the unknowns.
> Another thing I've done in the past is to measure the voltage on the
> analog input to hand-calculate the expected AD conversion value.
> Especially once it starts falling in range it is a good sanity check.

Thanks for your replies.

Nobody's telling me I'm doing something stupid with my code, and nobody says 
the PIC won't live with a -vref of +1.5V. These for me were the essential 
sanity checks.  As for the hardware, the voltage is between -vref and +vref 
which is where I hoped it would be. It could even be a pcb error.

I decided the temprature was 22 degrees celcius, and hacked the software 
accordingly :-D. The first model has gone out, and the pressure is off me 
now.  Now I can run through things a little more slowly, and I will certainly 
try all of what has been suggested.


	Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

	A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Without the optimist, the pessimist wouldn't know how happy he isn't

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