gnupic: New Command to picp

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Subject: Re: New Command to picp
From: matt ####@####.####
Date: 6 Dec 2002 05:17:59 -0000
Message-Id: <>

On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 1:30 pm, Andrew Pines wrote:
> I added the flash erase command that Antonio worked out but I don't have any 
flash parts to test it. 
>   If any brave soul would like to try it out, I made a test version which is 
available here:
whilst not being brave, I was silly enough to try this... 

It did nothing except return the standard error.

	matt:/home/matt/code_files # picp /dev/ttyS1 16F877 -ef -wp rfremote.hex
	failed to send blank check command
	failed to erase flash device
	matt:/home/matt/code_files #

> If it does something horrible I take no responsibility.  Please let me know 
what it was, though 
> (actually let me know how it goes either way).

I tried it on a blank chip and a preprogrammed chip. Neither worked.. same 

But then i tried getting the programmer working on any chip... errr.. 
failure... wrong answer sir...

It seems that my PS+ doesn't like me at all.
All my errors point to command failures. I tried COMs 2 and 3 (ttyS1 and 
ttyS4[don't ask])

the only reason I know my PS+ and serial port worked is this.

	matt:/home/matt/code_files # picp /dev/ttyS1 16F877 -v
	PICSTART Plus firmware version 3.10.00
	matt:/home/matt/code_files #

> CHAR_TIMEOUT is still fixed at 1 second so if the command takes longer than 
a second to execute it 
> will report that it failed, even if it didn't.  Since I have no flash 
devices I have no idea how 
> long flash erase takes.

It's probably longer than 1 second then... sorry.

> Also, is the flash erase command supposed to erase everything - program 
space, ID's, config, etc.? 
> I have it blank checking everything afterward so it will report that it 
failed if that's not the case.
>    -Andrew

I'm pretty sure it erases everything cause teh FUSES aren't erased unless a 
bulk-erase is performed (program space, data space, the lot)

hope that helps a little

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