gnupic: PIC16F877 & USART

Previous by date: 2 Jan 2003 00:02:01 -0000 Re: PIC16F877 & USART, Snail Instruments
Next by date: 2 Jan 2003 00:02:01 -0000 Re: PIC16F877 & USART, Rick Mann
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Next in thread: 2 Jan 2003 00:02:01 -0000 Re: PIC16F877 & USART, Rick Mann

Subject: Re: [PIC]: PIC16F877 & USART
From: Snail Instruments ####@####.####
Date: 2 Jan 2003 00:02:01 -0000
Message-Id: <>

>Basically, someone sends something like "I3" to my device. My device then
>responds with "I3". It does this by executing synchronous code to send one
>byte, then the next.

Just curious - what do you call 'synchronous code'?


Previous by date: 2 Jan 2003 00:02:01 -0000 Re: PIC16F877 & USART, Snail Instruments
Next by date: 2 Jan 2003 00:02:01 -0000 Re: PIC16F877 & USART, Rick Mann
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Next in thread: 2 Jan 2003 00:02:01 -0000 Re: PIC16F877 & USART, Rick Mann

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